Monday, October 13, 2008

This I Believe - Hsin-Yi Huang - Taiwan

I believe in SATC. SATC means “Sex And The City”. I do not want to be one of the characters because I want to be myself. I worship the spirit that comes from this series. It included almost everything that I desire in my lives: love, fashion, and friendship.

To begin with, love is the ultimate goal for every woman. Just like Carrie Bradshaw said, “and we were dressed from head to toe in love...the only label that never goes out of style”. In this series, it mentioned all kinds of love topics that wherever and whenever we are will face these same love issues as women in our lives. One thing I admire most is that the four women will pursue their love actively without concerning about being hurt. Therefore, I begin to wish for my special love plot and find own philosophy of love as well. After all, it depends on who I want to be with, and what kind of life I desire.

Additionally, this is a series that contains of fashion. It may be the most famous part of Sex And The City. No matter what brands showed on the television, it will become the new shopping trends. In my opinion, it even is an educational program to me. I can not only get all kinds of fashion information from SATC, but also learn the advantages of high heels and bags. Two of them really make girls become women. That is why we chase those luxurious stuffs unceasingly. Beauty things can always catch our attention. I would long for transforming myself into a woman just like the characters: be independent, be successful in employment, be optimistic, have own attitudes toward lives, and dress up fancy clothes or accessories all the time in my future.

Last but mot least, friendship is the most significant spirit from Sex And The City. To Carrie, there are three types of friends that each of them plays different roles. Miranda is the best listener and supporter; Samantha is the one who can cheer her up when she feels upset; Charlotte is very warmhearted and the best company. Take me for examples; I coincidentally have three best friends in my personal lives. We met because we were roommates in the university. I can always depend on them, and share things with them. Four of us look like Sex And The City in Taiwanese version. According to the movie slogan states, “They say nothing lasts forever. Dream change. Trends come and go, but friendships never go out of style”. True friends are unfading, valuable, and forever.

To sum up, I believe in SATC. Probably many men hate that series, and are unable to comprehend why it is so popular. For me, it controls three main ingredients such as love, fashion, and friendship. Furthermore, the inner spirit is so fascinating that I crave for following. If you ask me which sentence I like most in series, I would recommend this: The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous. That relationship encourages that doing ourselves is the best thing ever. Anyway. I believe in Sex And The City, do you?

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